Welcome to the world of Cjade's Hair.

- When you purchase our raw hair the color of the hair is natural brown, because raw hair has no such thing as Jet black!

- If there is an option to choose Jet black or blonde or any other color, that is because CJade colored it!

- Our raw hair primarily only comes in 3 different textures: Straight - Natural wave - and Curly , There is no such thing as raw body wave raw water wave ect.. 

- our raw hair comes from a single donor! and Is 100% unprocessed and has not been treated with chemicals!

- Our raw hair can last uptimes to 5 years! or longer!

These questions are asked a lot of times so we are here to answer them!

WE DO NOT make wigs with hair that don’t come from us!

WE DO NOT pluck wigs or make wigs look natural that we did't make!

WE DO NOT color wigs or bundles that are not coming from us , we had a lot of bad experiences with hair that cannot take our professional dye products

WE DO install NEW wigs that don’t come from me , plucking and bleaching knots is INCLUDED read more on the scheduling website[]=PHPSESSID=8b1g8tpugjjhorfbsthb3o71pp